Thursday, July 29, 2010

Healthcare Bill Timeline

There are questions and uncertainty surrounding the health care legislation recently enacted by Congress. A primary goal of this blog is to provide some answers and to let our followers know about the changes occurring in the insurance industry on a day to day basis.

The Healthcare legislation passed is known officially as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The PPACA was not meant to be enacted all at once due to the wide impact it would have on the health insurance industry and on the American public as a whole. Instead, the PPACA has several dates by which health care reforms would take place to minimize swings in premiums and lessen impact on the consumer. Several reforms were enacted at the beginning of this year (2010). Several more reforms are going to be enacted on October 1st of this year with a final wave of many reforms being enacted January 1st of 2014. The majority of these reforms will go into effect on your policies at the anniversary following the date in question.

At the beginning of this year the following was enacted:

  • State grants to establish or expand ombudsman programs
  • Updated Federal Rate Review Process
  • National Risk-Pool Created
  • Temporary Retiree Reinsurance Program
  • Small Business Tax Credit

The Following will be enacted October 1st:

  • Unlimited Lifetime Benefits
  • Dependent Coverage increased to 26 years of age
  • Preexisting condition exclusions for dependent children (18 and younger) are prohibited
  • All Emergency Care Services are covered as if they were In Network
  • Salary Discrimination Prohibited

The Following will be enacted January 1st, 2014:

  • Health Insurance Exchange
  • Guarantee Issue is mandatory
  • Pre-existing Condition Exclusions are Prohibited
  • Individual Affordability Tax Credits

This timeline is not entirely set in stone, and there are more changes going on in the background. In the meantime, I hope this answers some of your questions concerning the Health Care Bill and the timeline during which major aspects of it will be enacted by the federal government.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

About Stephen Bass & Associates Inc.

Stephen Bass & Associates Inc. is an independent brokerage company based out of Denver, Colorado. For the past 16 years we have been a leader in providing the best coverage to individuals, families, and small businesses throughout the Colorado area. We represent our clients on behalf of the insurance industry to assure our clients that they receive the ideal coverage for their specific circumstances.
Stephen Bass & Associates does not exact a fee from our clients - insurance rates are the same regardless of whether you go through a broker or direct to an insurance company. If you have any questions concerning your own insurance, carriers, rates and/or the health bill as it becomes effective in the coming months, please visit our website at or give us a call at (303) 779-5474.